Upon receiving your notification, we will send out an acknowledgement within three business days of receipt to the contact identified. We will investigate your claim and take appropriate action within 30 days after receipt or notification, If it is determined that the product does not have a defect covered by the warranty, we may charge and inspection fee for an onsite inspection that is required or requested by you. If it is determined that there is a defect we will repair the door panel, or send a replacement door panel to the Franchise making the claim in the same specification as the original door panel sold. If we are unable to provide replacement and repair is not practical or cannot be made timely then we will pay for the replacement of the product, limited to the original purchase price of the failed product, reduced by 10 percent (10%) each year from the first anniversary date of the original product purchased from the dealer or the distributor.

It is not uncommon for a temporary warp conditions to occur as the door panel adjusts to local humidity and temperature conditions. This deferral will not be counted against the warranty period.

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